Lowering your auto insurance rates is a delicate balance between choosing the correct coverage and selecting a deductible that works for your budget. If you're not sure whether you should buy a new policy or keep things as is, take a look at what you need to know about changing your deductible.
What Is a Deductible?
Whether you're new to buying auto insurance or just aren't sure what the terms mean, understanding the jargon is a first step to getting a policy that fits your needs. If you don't know what the agent is talking about — especially with coverage, deductibles, and payments — ask before agreeing to anything.
The deductible is the money or percentage you pay yourself for repairs once you’ve filed a claim. In most cases, the policy will require a specific dollar amount per claim. This means if you pay your $500 deductible for one at-fault accident, you'll still likely have to pay it the next time you file a claim.
When Do You Pay a Deductible?
Again, the deductible is a by-claim cost. If you remain accident-free, you won't have to ever worry about your deductible. That doesn't mean you should rely on your safe driving as a reason for raising your deductible.
Along with paying the deductible after an accident, you may need to pay it following damage from vandalism or a natural disaster. The specific costs that qualify as deductible expenses depend on the policy. Talk to your insurance agent about costs you're responsible for versus what the policies cover.
Is a Low or High Deductible Better?
Different deductible options come with different pros and cons. A lower deductible means you'll pay less following an accident or another type of damage. While this may sound like the perfect option, it may come at a price. Low deductibles often equal higher coverage rates. If you don't need to use the coverage, you'll pay more over time.
A higher deductible has the opposite effect. Instead of raising your rates, it will likely lower it. If you remain accident- or incident-free, you'll pay less over time. But if you do need to use your coverage, you could pay much more for repairs.
You have no way to know how much you'll need to, or not need to, use your insurance. This makes choosing a deductible challenging for some drivers. If you're not sure which way to go, consider a middle-of-the-road approach. Split the difference and choose a medium deductible that's not too high but not so low that it makes your overall rate skyrocket.
What Else Should Drivers Consider When Choosing a Deductible?
You want to lower your premium rates and have already maxed out any available discounts. Should you go ahead and raise your deductible? Before changing your deductible, consider the other factors that go into your payments. These might include:
Savings. If you have a sizable savings or emergency fund, you may already have the money available to pay for damages your policy won't cover. This may allow you to raise your deductible and pay lower premiums.
The actual costs. An already-low premium may not get much lower by changing your deductible. A minimal per-month or per-year change in your premium probably won't equal out with a deductible change.
Vehicle value. Is your car brand-new or ready for the scrap yard? An older or low-value vehicle may not warrant a repair — making a low deductible unnecessary.
Your insurance agent can discuss what impacts your coverage and your deductible the most. Depending on the policy, the agent may help you to find other potential considerations that will influence your decision.
Do you need a new insurance agent? Contact Harr & Associates Insurance, Inc., for more information.